Legal advisors and advocates and are subject to compulsory professional insurance (Article 10 of the Act on the provision of services in the territory of the Republic of Poland, Journal of Laws 2010, No. 47, item 278).


All materials and content posted on this website are for information purposes only, they do not constitute an advertisement of the activity of PSM Legal and cannot be treated as legal advice in any case. PSM Legal or any of the Partners shall not be liable for any statement contained in the content of this website. Visitors to this site should seek individual legal advice on any matter regarding their rights and obligations.

PSM Legal makes the utmost care to place on this website content developed on the basis of the most current information, including legal provisions and case law, available at the time of publication. However, PSM Legal can not guarantee the accuracy, effectiveness or usefulness of any legal information contained in the materials contained herein.


This privacy policy (hereinafter: „Privacy Policy„) aims to clarify the principles on which your personal data is processed and to discuss your basic rights related to the processing of your personal data by us.

The administrator of the clients 'personal data and clients' contact persons are: 
§    Legal advisor Aleksandra Petrykowska conducting business activity under the business name PSM Legal Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Aleksandra Petrykowska, Plac S. Małachowskiego 2, 00-066 Warsaw, piętro IV;
§    Advocate Małgorzata Sas-Madej conducting business activity under the name Małgorzata Sas-Madej Kancelaria Adwokacka, Plac S. Małachowskiego 2, 00-066 Warsaw, piętro IV.
hereinafter "Administrators".
Personal data collected by the Administrators are processed on the principles set out in the provisions on the protection of personal data, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter "GDPR") and in Polish regulations issued in connection with  GDPR, including the Act of 10 May 2018 on the protection of personal data. The controllers keep personal data confidential and secure it against unauthorized access by third parties on the terms set out in the above-mentioned legal acts.

If you have questions about the processing of personal data, please contact us at the following e-mail address: 
§; or
As part of their operations, Administrators collect and process personal data in order to:
§    performance of a legal service on the basis of contracts concluded by Administrators with Clients and other entities cooperating with Administrators (art.6 par.1 lit.b GDPR);
§    informing about organized events or events in which PSM Legal participate, as well as for the purpose of sending newsletters (legal basis Article 6 para. 1 lit.f GDPR);
§    recruitment and employment (art.6 par.1 lit.c and art.6 par.1 lit.a GDPR), 
§    marketing to the extent deemed permitted by professional self-governments (legal basis art.6 par.1 lit.f GDPR);
§    fulfillment of obligations arising from legal provisions (legal basis art.6 par.1 lit.c GDPR).
The processed personal data is not profiled.
The processing of personal data by Administrators is done on a voluntary basis and is regulated in contracts concluded with Clients. Sending commercial information by electronic means is subject to receiving prior consent from Clients, including by subscribing to the newsletter or by submitting an instruction to receive specific information. Refusal to provide data or request their removal may prevent us from contacting Clients, performing the service or providing Clients with information about the events and activities of the Administrators. In accordance with applicable regulations, Clients have the following rights:
§    right to information
§    right to access data,
§    right to limit data processing,
§    right to transfer data,
§    right to delete data,
§    right to rectify data,
§    right to object if you do not wish to receive marketing information.
In matters related to the exercise of rights, please contact:
The Administrators do not transfer, lend or sell the collected personal data of users to other persons or institutions, except when this happens with the explicit consent or at the request of the user, results from the commissioned case or at the request of authorized state authorities for the purposes of their proceedings.
Your personal data is processed at the Administrators headquarters. Personal data is not transferred to countries outside the European Union. In the event of personal data being transferred to third countries outside the European Union. The Administrators will use appropriate instruments to ensure the security of your personal data, in accordance with Chapter V of the GDPR.
Administrators store data for a period of time justified by the implementation of a legal order or for a period resulting from legal provisions.
You have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection, and in the case of data processing on the basis of consent - the right to withdraw it.
Any changes introduced by the Administrators to the Privacy Policy in the future will be published on the website. If you do not accept our Privacy Policy or changes to the Privacy Policy, you should stop using our website.
Since 1 January 2019 a new Chapter 11a of the Tax Code on Mandatory Disclosure Rules (hereinafter: “MDR”) is in effect. The MDR provisions are implementation of EU Directive 2018/822 of 25 May 2018, but also introduce certain other obligations not covered by the Directive. If the statutory conditions are met and PSM Legal’s legal assistance is deemed to involve designing, offering, making available, implementing or managing the implementation of an arrangement or assistance, support or advice concerning the design, marketing, organising, making available for implementation or supervising the implementation of an arrangement, PSM Legal may be required to provide You or the Director of the National Tax Administration Office with information / notifications referred to in Chapter 11a of the Tax Code. The reporting obligations may relate to beneficiaries but also other entities and persons, including individuals / entities having their place of residence, registered office or place of management outside of Poland.